Here you can find offline Chants D'Esperance 9 and 11 parts which will work offline. Chants D'Esperance app will give you access to over 500 pages on French and Creole, you can find all lyrics divide by two languages. all the lyrics of the songbook Chants D'Esperance waiting for you. Also with this app you can listen Christian radios online. Most section from this app will work offline but for some parts, like radios, you will need a internet connection. We will try to update this app regularly and provide many new content to you.
Some features of this app:
✔ App will work offline
✔ You can use search option
✔ Share app with your friends
✔ Optimised for smart phones and tablet
If you have any problem with this app please contact us. Some part of this app will require internet connection.
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