Manualslib - User Guides & Own Mod Apk

Manualslib - User Guides & Own Mod APK v1.6.1 [Remove ads/Unlocked]

Updated On May 29, 2024
Manualslib - User Guides & Own Мод APK 1.6.1 представляет собой модифицированное приложение для Android с Remove ads/Unlocked Функции. 2,700,000+ Owner's Manuals and Guides in one place, create your own collection
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Manualslib - User Guides & Own
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33.93 MB
Информация о моде:
● Разблокировка функции подписки.
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● Реклама удалена / отключена.
● Действия, связанные с рекламой, и код удалены / отключены.
● Видимость макетов, связанных с рекламой, исчезла.
● Аналитика / Crashlytics удалены / отключены.
● Приемники, службы и поставщик удалены / отключены.
● Проверка сервисов Google Play удалена / отключена.
● Установочный пакет Google Play Store удален. / Отключено.
. Удалена / отключена служба выставления счетов в приложении.
. Удалены службы Play, транспорт, свойства Firebase.
. Удалены все ненужные папки и файлы мусора.
. ● Удалены. Информация об отладке (источник, строка, параметр, пролог, локальный).
Обзор приложения

Find, view and read manual or user guide you need without creating an account.

With ManualsLib app, you can find any Owner's Manual or User's Guide you need, add it to “My Manuals” list, and view it on your mobile device anytime.

Search manuals and guides by device/product name.
To find the right manual or user guide, you just need to know the name of your device.
For example, to find a guide for Fitbit Alta, you need type “Fitbit Alta” into the search bar and tap on “Search.” In the search results, you'll see all documents available for this device.

Use search filters by type of document, manufacturer of device, and type of device.
ManualsLib is a major platform to search manuals and user guides. For many devices, ManualsLib offers different types of documents (user guides, installation instructions, fast start guides, spec lists, maintenance manuals, etc.). Use filters to search guides by type of document, manufacturer, and type of device.

View manuals and guides without adding it to “My Manuals” list
All manuals and guides are available for FREE and limitless viewing and reading. You can search and open any number of manuals.

Add manuals and guides to “My Manuals” list to view them offline
To be able to access manuals and user guides offline, you need to add them to your “My Manuals” list. You'll be able to access your added files in the ManualsLib app even when you're not connected to the Internet.

Create folders for easier access and storage
For easier access to your manuals, you can sort your documents by location and type of device. For example, you can create a “Summer house manuals” folder to store guides on all devices in your summer house.
Furthermore, you can create folders to store user manuals for certain devices, e.g. “cars guides”, “camera guides”, “appliance guides”, etc.

Search inside a document
You can search inside the document for the information you need. Use simple key phrases, e.g. “battery charge” instead of “how to charge the battery.” You need to be connected to the Internet to use the document search option.

View Table of Contents for each document
Almost every manual available in ManualsLib contains a Table of Contents for easier navigation within the document.

Create and name bookmarks
Bookmarks are the fastest way to access the page you need. When creating a bookmark, give it a short, descriptive name.
For example, the page that tells how to change oil in your quad bike can be named “Oil change.” Avoid using long names, e.g. “Quad oil change manual”, as you'll be able to see the name of the manual in the bookmarks menu.

✉️ Share links to an entire document or its specific page
To your friends who haven't installed the ManualsLib app (or don't know the website), you can send a link to the entire manual or a single page.
Suppose, you gave your mom a new GoPro to record your dad's adventures. But your mom doesn't know how to insert an SD card into the camera. Meanwhile, your dad is ready to dive into the swimming pool from the house roof. Your mom is calling you for help. All you need to do is to open the ManualsLib app, find the right manual and the page describing how to insert an SD card, and send the link to your mom. Don't forget to tell your mom to install the ManualsLib app. Now you'll have the unforgettable video of your dad jumping into the swimming pool!

Print out pages
You can print out any page of any manual and hang it anywhere, e.g. on the wall above the coffee machine in your office.

ManualsLib App is 100% synchronized with website profile

Как скачать и установить?

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3. Для специального файла, такого как XAPK или BAPK, вам необходимо выбрать быструю загрузку файла с помощью нашего установщика..

4. Когда вы закончите загрузку файла, вы должны разрешить телефону установить файл из неизвестного ресурса.

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  • Manualslib - User Guides & Own Mod Скриншоты
  • Manualslib - User Guides & Own Mod Скриншоты
  • Manualslib - User Guides & Own Mod Скриншоты
  • Manualslib - User Guides & Own Mod Скриншоты